It’s hard to believe how much can happen in a year. As the final days of 2022 wind down I reflect on how much the year has changed me. This year I adopted an attitude where I willed myself to get where I wanted to be. That decision has been filled with sacrifice, discipline, and risk-taking. The results while slow have been fruitful. I’m feeling a strong nostalgia and a yearning for what's ahead. While it feels like I'm boiling over with enthusiasm, I purposely have slowed myself down to complete end-of-the-year tasks to clear space for what's ahead. I've been readying the practice to walk in its refined mission of journeying with people to wellness. The Sunday before Christmas I facilitated HopeFull's first workshop offering.
Our websites have been revamped for cleaner, clearer messaging and to highlight the offering of workshops, training, speaking engagements, and to share my film endeavors. As opportunities continue to grow for me in the film industry as a writer and filmmaker, I look forward to sharing more. Earlier this year, I began separating the brands in preparation for this. The two websites work together, will continue to reflect the therapy arm of the practice, while will house information for speaking engagements of all sorts and films. What goals do you still to complete before year-end?
The risk-taking mentioned prior was not just for the goals in front of me; it included fully closing past experiences that kept me bound. In my "reintroduction" blog I spoke about this situation. I thought I already did the work and it was over, yet back in October discovered remnants that remained from my time in pulpit ministry. For the record, it is not uncommon even when you have had therapy to realize later that more work is needed in a particular area. This happens for a host of reasons, often the old situation becomes reignited by something said or done. When this happens it is important to find healthy ways to process the new feelings coming up. Are there areas in your life that are keeping you emotionally stuck?
Growth spurts have been fostered by both the good and the bad, and for all experiences I am grateful. As we prepare to say goodbye to this year, in midst of all the celebrations may you find time for stillness, reflection, and courage for shedding which will lend space for new birth and renewal. Set your eyes to the sky, remember you're worthy, and move in your greatness, unapologetically.
"May Your Hope Be Full,"™
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